Have you ever completed first aid training which included using a training defibrillator? But do you actually have one installed on your premises? Over 32,000 people will suffer a Sudden Cardiac Arrest every year in the UK with only 1/10 surviving currently.
Protect your staff, customers and your local community by investing in a public access defibrillator (AED). We are passionate that no life should ever be lost due to the absence of these simple to use life saving machines or because of a lack of public confidence to perform CPR.
Download our FREE helpful advise poster and FREE AED location sign by clicking the buttons below.
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Time is of the essence when sudden cardiac arrest strikes, and having an AED (automated external defibrillator) readily available can increase the chances of survival by up to 70%. Whether you need confidence building training, help or advise purchasing the correct AED for your premises or community space, contact us on the form at the bottom of this page and our team will be happy to assist.
How does a defibrillator work?
The heart is controlled by an electrical impulse that makes it beat in a regular rhythm, keeping you alive. When a person has a sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), the normal rhythm becomes disrupted and disorganised, which means their heart can’t beat properly and they won’t be able to breathe normally.
For every minute that someones’s in SCA without receiving CPR and having a defibrilliator used on them, their chance of survival decreases by 10%. That’s why it’s so important to know where your nearest defibrillator is, how to operate it efficiently and how to perform CPR.
When the heart stops, you only have approx 4 minutes to re-start it and the only proven way to do this is with a defibrillator.
A defibrillator gives a jolt of energy to the heart, which can help restore the heart’s normal rhythm, don’t be scared it’s simple. When you switch the defibrillator on, it will give clear instructions and talk you through the steps and it will not harm the person and will only give them a shock if and when it is needed. Training will help arm the public with the weapon of confidence and allow you to speed the process up as you will know what needs to be done so you will not have to delay vital seconds waiting for the next voice prompt from the AED. Ask about our bespoke CPR & defibrillator sessions today.
How to perform CPR
If you see someone collapsed and they are not breathing or not breathing normally you need to act fast. Before you approach check your surroundings for Danger.
Shout for help & shake the person gently.
Look, feel and listen for signs of normal breathing. Look for the rise and fall of their chest, you should see / feel 2-3 normal breaths in 10 seconds.
Call 999, put your phone on loud speaker or direct a bystander.
Fetch a defibrillator (AED) if possible but don’t leave the person if you are on your own. 999 should provide details of the nearest AED.
Start chest compressions, Push down hard in the centre of the chest around a 1/3 of their body depth then release, twice per second, and don’t stop.
As soon as the AED arrives turn it on and follow the instructions, limiting time not doing chest compressions, you need to keep the pressure up, this is what gets and keeps the blood going to the brain.
Continue CPR until the AED says stop to allow it to reanalyse the heart rhythm, a medical professional takes over or the person shows signs of life.
By making these devices accessible in local communities, businesses can not only protect their employees and customers but also play a critical role in their community's emergency response plan.
Investing in AEDs demonstrates a commitment to safety and responsibility, and it is a simple yet effective way for businesses to give back to their community.
Contact us
If you have any questions or would like to discuss acquiring a defibrillator for your workplace, club or other premises then please get in touch today.
E: info@bhtrainingsolutions.co.uk
M: +447725332224